Who We Support

As a church family, we believe it's vitally important to support both the global and local church and we are blessed to be able to do so in a variety of ways. This includes Les and Rita Peters (Impact Ministries), Tim Schindel (Leading Influence Ministries), Dave Duncan (Wycliffe Bible Translators & OneBook), Dominic Villeneuve (Mission Aviation Fellowship), Elsie Welch, and local organizations such as Kamloops Christian School, the Hopewell Clinic + Pregnancy Centre, and Mustard Seed New Life Community

Les & Rita Peters 

Impact Ministries

Les and Rita have been a part of our church for many years - even before they took to the mission field in Guatemala and founded Impact Ministries. They have spent many years planting and maintaining churches and schools, educating the next generation in Guatemala. They have a special passion for empowering the Guatemalan people to learn more, earn more and pray more. Impact also facilitates an expansive child sponsorship program, enabling those across the world to support Christian education and the children it benefits. 

For more information, you can visit their website here.

Together, our church also sponsors a boy named Fernando through Impact Ministries. 

Tim Schindel

Leading Influence Ministries

After pastoring in Kamloops for years, in 2006 Tim Schindel founded Leading Influence Ministries to serve elected officials across Canada with chaplaincy ministry. This organization focuses on prayerfully supporting the individuals that make up our Canadian government. Together with his wife Barb and many other people around our country, he works to support our Canadian members of parliament in both prayer and encouragement. Leading Influence works to provide excellence in chaplaincy care for elected leaders in Canada while engaging with people, rather than politics. During Canadian elections both provincially and federally, it leads campaigns to cover our nation in prayer. 

For more information, you can visit the website here

Dave Duncan

Wycliffe Bible Translators/OneBook

Dave, Neva and their family have lived around the world in places such as Papua New Guinea and Singapore, working with communities to bring God's word to those around the world. OneBook often works with locales and dialects that don't have a written form. Helping develop that leads to literacy, which leads to an ability to read God's word in their own language. Along the way, OneBook also partners with communities to provide more information on education, health care, and social and economic developments. 

For more information on Wycliffe Bible Translators, click here. For more information on OneBook, visit their website here.

Dominic Villeneuve

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Raised in Kamloops, Dominic has long had a passion for the gospel and for flying, and God has prepared him for both throughout his life. He is excited to be ministering to the isolated communities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by flying in missionaries, supplies, and other relief support. Of course, he also has the opportunity to share the gospel himself, and is uniquely suited to do that in the DRC. Our church supports him financially and prayerfully as he works to support others by flying the gospel and supplies over unpassable roads, potential armed conflict, and any other obstacles there may be. 

You can learn more about Dominic and the MAF and how to support his ministry by visiting his page here

Elsie Welch


Elsie has been travelling all over the world for many years, evangelizing everywhere she goes. Wherever God leads her - whether to Cape Dorset in Nunavut, Cuba, Estonia, Thailand, and more - she walks in the freedom and power of God. Working with people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds, she encourages and equips those around her to walk in the Holy Spirit. Elsie loves to passionately reach out to those in need and to be the hands and voice of Jesus. 

Kamloops Christian School

KCS is an independent, non-denominational Christian school serving over 300 students from infant to grade 12. They offer "Christ-centred Bible-based education that nurtures academic potential, moral character, a Christian worldview, and commitment to serving God and others." Our church community has long been connected with KCS and continues to be so strongly. We heartily support our local Christian school and acknowledge the significance they have in our community. 

For more information, you can visit their website here

Hopewell Clinic + Pregnancy Centre

Established as a non-profit community-based organization in Kamloops since 2007, Hopewell provides support and information to all people impacted by an unplanned pregnancy. Regardless of age, race, income, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other circumstances, they provide support and clinically-accurate information to women, children, men, and families concerning sexual realities in a caring, compassionate environment. As their site mentions, "We are pro-information. We believe that you deserve honest answers, respect, and care. All our services are free."

Our church has long supported this organization and all that they do to support those in need of their services in our community. For more information, you can visit their website here.