This blog is a branch of Kamloops Full Gospel, where we can share with you our faith through the written word, inspired by His Word. There, our leadership will be sharing their hearts and faith-filled thoughts through various written series through the seasons. As time goes on, new series will start, so keep checking back to see what’s new! 

You can find the home page of our blog here, or you can read below to see what blog series are available. 

Seasonal Poems

Here is a collection of seasonal poems that have been written for our Church Family Christmas productions over the years. You can check these out here.

Joy in the Journey

In this blog series over the summer of 2019, members of our leadership wrote different entries about Joy in the Journey. Each has a unique perspective and different wisdom to share.  

Visit this series here.

What A Wonderful World! 

In this blog series starting in Fall 2018, our Youth Pastor wrote a series of posts all focusing on pulling out the parts of life that are wonderful. Each post focuses on something else to both encourage deeper thought and bolster. 

Visit this series here.

Summer Psalms

In this blog series over the summer of 2018, members of our leadership wrote different entries about different parts of Psalms. Each has a different style and unique wisdom to contribute. 

Visit this series here